Beth Found Functional Patterns By Chance, Then Never Looked Back
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Beth wasn't looking to change up her fitness program. After all, the group fitness classes she was doing seemed to check all the boxes for her movement needs. It wasn't until a friend happened to leave the Functional Patterns Power Of Posture book at her house that brought into focus all her experiences with fitness and wellness.
Having suffered from low back pain for as long as she could remember, the idea of moving pain free with FP felt revolutionary. Beth immediately bought the 10 Week Online Course, quit her gym, started seeing a Functional Patterns Practitioner, and has since never looked back.
Utilizing the myofascial release protocols and the training methods of FP, Beth reports she is standing straighter, walking taller, and feeling lighter with her body.
The biggest difference she's noticed in her body between now and then?
I feel like I know how to stand for the first time in my life. I feel in possession of my body rather than someone who's victim to their body, if that makes sense. - Beth Loster
We come highly recommended by Beth, who loves the intentionality that comes with practicing FP. With the ability to do most of the training almost anywhere, the engagement in parts of the body that were long dormant, and as a way to slow down a bit to tune into one's body; Beth is convinced the antidote to the problem is the Functional Patterns method.
Thank you for your feedback, Beth! We'll keep supporting your progress and look forward to hear more about your training with you and your FP practitioner!
Until next time this is Functional Patterns reminding you to Train Intentionally, Not Habitually