Get certified
Our certification process will equip you with the training concepts that make our practitioners the talk of the health and fitness industry.
the 10 Week Online Program
The Functional Patterns 10 Week Online Program will get you and your clients started on the path to eliminating pain and addressing imbalances on the body. It's a fundamental pillar that we will build upon with more advanced concepts and techniques in our Human Foundations and Human Biomechanics Specialist Courses.
human foundations course
The in-person Human Foundations (HF) Certification Course builds on the principles introduced in the 10-Week Online Program. This hands-on course focuses on applying FP Corrective Exercises and Dynamic Movements to address common postural and movement dysfunctions. It serves as the essential starting point for creating lasting change in both yourself and your clients.
Human Biomechanics Specialist Course
The Human Biomechanics Specialist (HBS) Certification Levels run from HBS1, all the way through HBS4. This is where we dive deep into understand how to drive change all the way down to the bone.
Once you've gone through the process of getting certified as a Human Biomechanics Specialist, this will open the doors for you to apply to run a Licensed Functional Patterns Facility. We have a vetting process we put people through to ensure we only License our most competent representatives to maintain high standards on a global scale.