Functional Patterns training equipment was developed to make pain free fitness an easy process. Simple tech for sophisticated bodies.
Regen Trainer
A compact, mobile, and durable piece of fitness equipment ideal for both commercial and home gyms. Upgrade your workout regime with Regen Trainer pro - a comprehensive fitness solution.
RG Bar
The ultimate tool to building the rawest form of functional strength you can achieve. Made to be used with bands or a pulley machine.
FP Massage Cane
Designed to leverage out the deepest restrictions on your body.
Feedback Bands
Made with optimal resistance for feedback & FP exercises.
Torque Strap
The best tool to improve rotational strength in your ribs, spine and hips.
FP Roller
Unstick your lats, quads and IT bands towards optimal mobility.
Leverage King
Step into the new ERA of training. Leverage your glutes for strength and function.
Strengthen your neck without sacrificing functionality, and skip the strain and misalignment caused by outdated neck training methods.