Is Training with a Flat Back Conducive for Proper Biomechanics

Is Training with a Flat Back Conducive for Proper Biomechanics

Is Training with a Flat Back Conducive for Proper Biomechanics


Do you or someone you know suffer with a flat back? You might ask yourself “why is my back so flat”? You might be suffering from flat back syndrome? For those that are unaware of what flat back syndrome is, “Flat back syndrome is also called fixed sagittal imbalance. In this condition, the normal curve in your lower spine is reduced or absent.” (1)

In this article we will investigate what causes a flat back, the symptoms and characteristics of a flat back. We will also discover ways to correct the imbalance in the spine to fix a flat back, and how to strengthen the body as a whole to address flat back syndrome. 


Diving a little deeper into flat back syndrome. As mentioned earlier flat back can be described as the curve in the lower spine is reduced or absent. The spine naturally curves; ”the spine normally has two curves. The lumbar spine in your lower back and your cervical spine in your neck curve inward. Your thoracic spine in your upper back curves outward. These curves are part of your spine's natural alignment. They help you balance and maintain your center of gravity.” When someone is suffering from a flat back they do not have this natural curve. This will cause compensation in the body, by the neck protracting or shifting forward due to a lack of stability in the lumbar. This can make it hard for a person to do daily tasks. A common symptom of this condition is difficulty standing for long periods of time. A flat back can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of these reason include but are not limited to: 

  • Congenital 
  • Arthritis in the spine
  • Compression fracture in spine 
  • Degenerative disc disease 

Even though there are a variety of reasons flat back can happen, it is important to highlight ways to address the problem.  


Can Flat Back syndrome be corrected?


When someone is diagnosed with flat back syndrome they can feel helpless, fortunately there are ways to address this problem using a holistic approach. Flat back can be treated with exercise and corrective techniques. The most efficient way to approach these exercises is through Functional Patterns. The reason these protocols are optimal is because they focus on the body as a whole unit. Instead of doing arbitrary exercise to help alleviate tension in the body it focuses on a first principle approach to addressing the issue. For example a physical therapist might recommend doing planks to address the issue. The patient might start to do planks but does not account for the multiple variables involved  with their plank, this lack of accountability could make the issue worse rather than actually addressing the problem.




How does someone strengthen their back correctly to help fix and address the flat back syndrome? There can be a variety of ways to fix a flat back, some very potent exercises could be corrective exercises. These exercises would work on connecting muscles to work together instead of independently of one another. The best route to fixing movement issues is purchasing the 10 week online course and starting by dissecting your issues and then if possible reaching out to a Functional Patterns practitioner and having them help you to fix your movement and pain issues.


Flat Back Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment ( 

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