Massage Therapist Joy Feels Huge Difference with our 10wk Online Course
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In her occupation as an orthopedic massage therapist, Joy knows firsthand how long days being bent over the massage table can stiffen up the body and limit the capacity to move effortlessly. After a fellow massage therapist turned her onto Functional Patterns, she dug into our 10 Week Online Course to see what it was all about.
Within the first week she started feeling a difference using the myofascial releases we introduce. And not long after she has been feeling improvements in her posture and reduction in her overall pain levels, reporting to us that the pain is now nearly gone!
Her favorite part about the program?
Feeling the difference in my body. Being happy in my skin! I want to teach what I know to everyone! FP has been a game changer for me! - Joy C Boll (Maui, Hawaii)
Thank you for the feedback, Joy! Keep making those functional gains and we hope to hear more progress from you in the future!
Until next time this is Functional Patterns reminding you to Train Intentionally, Not Habitually.