I have been a Certified Personal Trainer since 2009. I had some health issues a few years back that took me away from working in a big box gym. I have had a lot of experience with different styles of fitness. I have an acute shoulder issue that needs surgery so I need to be extremely careful on how I train. I enjoy taking courses to keep me evolving and learning.
I was introduced Paul, in Calgary, who has a private studio. He had taken the 10wk course and the Foundations course. I went to try a class and couldn’t believe how difficult it was to train contra-laterally. I was blown away at how safe my body felt going through movement. I was also uncomfortable doing movement with my left hand.
Within a few short weeks, I wasn’t so frustrated with my body. As I was becoming more confident with the classes, I realized I had a passion for FP. This was when I decided to do the 10 Week Online Course.
In my history of working with clients, I found it common that they could not activate their glutes, most people are primarily quad dominate and hamstrings are weak. When I got to week 7 of the 10 week course I got really excited. Naudi’s approach and lessons are so effective to get mind to muscle activation. I had to try his techniques on myself and my clients. It’s AMAZING.
I have been participating about 3 times a week in FP since September. My body has never felt stronger. I move with confidence and forget I have a shoulder issue. My range of motion and flexibility are the best they have ever been. My ability to train with focus has improved. Bonus that my mid section has leaned out and I have released about 20lbs. But the strength I feel in movement is like nothing I have ever felt before. My body stands taller I am supported internally and I love how I am looking and feeling.
I have tried yoga and could never perform well because of the stress it put on my shoulder. I have lifted heavy but as I aged I found loading weight on a bar and placing it on my spine was so counter productive. CrossFit I dabbled but obviously with my injury I wasn’t successful. Even basic upright rows or curl press was painful. I have a big list of the things I can’t do in a gym. As well I long list of clients that come to me in pain or things they can’t do.
I am doing the online 10 week course. Blessed to be able to learn locally and participate in some great classes. I recommend FP all the time. Even my studio in my home I am Integrating the methods I am learning. I am excited to finish up and take the next level of certification.
Side note, I love all the FP practitioners and videos on insta!! I am learning so much and it’s great to practice amazing intentional movement.