After years of trying everything, Maria found something that finally worked... Functional Patterns
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Maria had tried many different therapies, even medication, because she was living in constant pain and felt like she wasn't living her life the way she wanted. After a close friend introduced Functional Patterns to her, sharing the content via Instagram, Maria decided to try FP for herself by training one-on-one with FP certified Human Biomechanics Specialist José Tomás Henriquez, in addition to starting our 10 Week Online Course.
Almost immediately she started to notice the benefits. By implementing the myofascial release techniques, her body began feeling much better. The biggest improvements she noticed was to her posture, living with less pain, feeling stronger in general, and healing much quicker.
When asked about her favorite part about FP, Maria said she enjoys the ability to make progress by herself from the comfort of her own home. Although she noticed much more progress when training with her practitioner, the online community and the FP platform makes progress possible even when training solo.
Thank you for your feedback, Maria! Be sure to keep us updated as you continue on your FP journey!
Until next time, this is Functional Patterns reminding you to Live Intentionally, Not Habitually