Chloe Conquers Her Anxiety

Chloe Conquers Her Anxiety


Chloe was able to find emotional, mental and physical balance when she finally learned how important her body language was. Many come to FP feeling like their lives are out of control. The ups and downs of dealing with pains and injuries. Not being able to exercise and move properly due to poor biomechanics and dysfunction. Chloe found the emotional and physical control she had been searching for so long in addressing her system instead of her symptoms.

From Chloe:
“I was dealing with quite a few problems, both mentally and physically. I was extremely anxious, stressed and burned out, as well as highly insecure. I was self medicating with weed, smoking multiple times a day. Physically, I dealt with pain daily. I experienced constant stabbing pain between my scapula and T4-T5 vertebrae, a result of a car accident I was in a few years prior. This sent me to the chiropractor multiple times a month for relief. Every time I ran or exercised, I experienced grinding knee pain that remained after I exercised. I also dealt with an almost constant ache in my achilles which was the result from an untreated strain, and was unable to stand on my tiptoes.

After doing FP for 10 months, I’m not nearly as anxious as I used to be and no longer smoke. I’m not as impulsive, I’m better able to manage stress and I don’t feel burned out. My confidence has improved greatly. My back pain is almost completely gone, aside from some very occasional discomfort, and I haven’t been to the chiropractor since prior to starting FP. I’m able to workout and run without getting knee pain. My achilles feels great; I’m able to stand on my tiptoes without discomfort.

I’m extremely grateful to Michelle and the rest of @fpminnesota for the effort they’ve put in to help me get to a better place - mentally and physically - as well as @naudiaguilar for developing a cohesive and effective system that gives me healing mechanisms as opposed to coping ones. I’m not the same person I was a year ago, and I’m excited to see the growth I continue to experience.”

Great work @_michelle.johnson__ @fp.minnesota and Chloe 👏🔥

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