Mariana's Results


Mariana had 7/10 hip pain due powerlifting training that exacerbated her scoliosis and imbalances. Right before completing the 10 Week Online Program she contacted @marti_poliz @fp.sicily and they worked together online. She is now out of pain for the most part, if it does come on it goes to 1/10. Mariana has now attended a HF and HBS 1 course. Read more about her story below 👇 Great work @marti_poliz and @mariana_n_da_rosa

Before: November 2022
❌Hip Pain 7/10
❌Hip Shift Right
❌Scapular Dyskinesis

After: April 2024
✅1/10 Hip Pain
✅Neutral Pelvis
✅Improved Scapular Position

Testimonial: “I played soccer for more than 15 years, entered the fitness world as a student. I followed the formal education, and over the past 15 years I have been searching for a methodology that was affordable for everyone. I contacted FP Sicily after almost completing the 10-week online, at a time when my brief practice with powerlifting already hinted at having affected my biomechanics. The discomfort I felt in my hip at that time even prevented me from practicing with my son the sport I always liked, soccer. I got scared on the day that I could visually perceive the imbalance that along with my small scoliosis the overload had caused. The discomfort I felt on my hip initially was 7/10. I was demoralized and felt weak. After my first lessons I felt that my body could move into positions that it could not normally assume due to biomechanical limitations was very satisfying.

Today I would say that my discomfort (when I eventually feel it) is 1/10. No other practice was able to help me like Functional Patterns. Beyond the exercises, I have followed all the protocols firmly and learned a lot about topics relevant to my changing process and health in these almost two years of practice. Today, I study every day to be able to help benefit more people through FP.”

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