Prehab exercises for preventing injury

Prehab exercises for preventing injury

Prehab exercises for preventing injury

Date - 4/21/2011
Location - San Diego, CA
Service - Personal Training
Method - Corrective Movement

I thought I would show what I routinely use for my clients before we start their exercise routine. I use prehab exercises to ensure that a client isn't going to be recruiting the wrong muscles systems during our workouts. Since many of my clients sit at a desk all day, I have to account for the imbalances they are creating at work. Sitting at a desk all day creates tightness in the anterior (front) chain of muscles within the hips and upper body. If I don't account for these unnatural patterns, compensation from the posterior (back) chain of muscle groups will occur, and that usually leads to pain in the lower back and neck regions.

Here are 3 exercises that you can do to prevent these problems from happening.

1.) Bridge - This exercise activates the Gluteus Maximus, which is responsible for actively stretching the opposite muscle groups that you make tight while sitting down. This exercise is a great compensating measure to start any training regimen.

2.) Plank - This exercise is very important because it links the Glutes and the core with each other. By mastering this exercise you will bring balance back to your lower back so that it doesn't have to compensate anymore. It is very important that the back is not arched or swayed while doing this. A good trick for beginners is to squeeze your butt muscles to ensure that your Glutes and core work together.

3.) Prone Cobra - The Prone Cobra is great for activating the tissues in your upper back and scapulae that are responsible for maintenance of a sound posture. This exercise will allow the body to begin to develop the opposite muscles to the Pecs (pull posture forward).

If done correctly, these three exercises can significantly reduce likelihood for injury during exercise. I would highly recommend going into a myofascial release therapy before these exercises are administered. I will have more videos up soon on how to do myofascial release effectively and why it is important. Stay tuned!!!

If you have any questions or requests, feel free to e-mail me at

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