Turning back Cerebral Palsy here with FP Human Biomechanics Specialist from @fp.bratislava, @david_bartalos! Some of the most inspiring stuff I've witnessed in my career. I had to reshoot this one because it was hard getting through it without breaking down lol. This kind of stuff really is what this is all about. Fantastic job on both of you for putting in the work! Hard to put into words how amazing this is to witness. Let's make some more gains! Inspired!
Posture progress after 1 year and 8 months from my client Rudi ( @sedlacekrudolf )with cerebral palsy training @functionalpatterns . Left photo: April 2019. Right photo: December 2020.
Rudi’s words: “Since I started to train FP, my mobility and posture has significantly changed, I can do things that I couldn’t do before and my standing feels way more comfortable. For people seeking to function well and improve their health, FP is way to go.”
In summary from previous posts, before FP Rudi had been through some health complications, such as spontaneous pneumothorax, femoral head fracture and retinal tear on his eye, because of which he had to undergo a surgery, after which he was told by the doctors that he should never load his body physically anymore. Rudi’s attitude towards the training process has been extremely disciplined, since he has never missed a single week of training (except Covid lockdown period) since his first session.
@functionalpatterns @naudiaguilar #functionalpatterns
Cerebral Palsy improvements