
Don't settle for anything less than real, long-term results. Our online programs are designed to optimize your body beyond band-aid fixes. Uncover transformations with Functional Patterns today!

Benny's Inspirational Back Pain Results
Benny's Inspirational Back Pain Results
Adaptogens, Nootropics, and the Rise of Quick-Fix Culture
Adaptogens, Nootropics, and the Rise of Quick-Fix Culture
Nootropic supplements show promise anecdotally but lack rigorous scientific validation.


We get results with people of all backgrounds, shapes, and sizes from all around the globe.
Sounds a bit complicated? Well, not really when you think about it. At a basic level it means whatever animal you choose to train, you do it with the foremost goal of optimizing its primary functions. Fish swim, birds fly, and dogs walk on four legs. What do humans do?

Success Stories

Cerebral Palsy
I was told by the doctors that I should never load my body physically anymore. However, I knew how It was important for my body to move, in order to not become atrophied. I refused to stay stuck at home doing nothing, so I gave a try to FP which I heard about from my friend. Since I started doing FP, my physical condition has improved dramatically.

Spinal Compression To Pain Free
After chronic pain for a decade I can now move through life using vital mental capacity and attention on things that are important to me rather than devoting myself to managing my pain. I now experience a freedom that is derived from knowing that my body will do what I ask of it. The knowledge that I can move with strength, power and agility to protect myself gives me a sense of relaxation that I cannot explain.

Low Back and Knee Pain
Low back pain has been part of my life since adolescence. I thought it was normal to feel pain at 32 years old (left). With FP I managed to eliminate my lower back pain, and knee pain from a poorly recovered knee surgery. At 41 years old (right), I can say that the biomechanical corrections were crucial in this path where pain was completely erased. Now I can finally get to know what else my body can do.