REVERSING DEGENERATION FROM PARKINSON'S from Certified @functionalpatterns HBS practitioner @danny_hun out of @fp.taiwan
“Parkinson’s disease patient gait gain!”
Client suffered from Parkinson’s disease for almost 17 years. The muscular function were limited year after year, especially the left side. The stiffness and faintness have drastically impacted his life.
After 4 months @functionalpatterns training, we can see
✅ flexibility gain
✅ strength increase
✅ walking capability increase - walk faster ,longer.
Client testimonial :
“It has been about 17 years since Parkinson’s disease begin. After training for four months, I can feel I am more flexible and powerful. I am truly grateful for Danny’s patience and work. I can feel that my strengthless and stiff muscle has gradually recovered. Really thankful !
Reversing Degeneration From Parkinson's