Glute MyoFascial Release Tutorial

Glute MyoFascial Release Tutorial

Glute MyoFascial Release Tutorial

For today’s video tutorial, I’m going to show you how to remedy tensions in your hips and lower back.

All you’re going to need for this tutorial will be a tennis ball or something similar.

These are simple techniques, but they will be very effective in opening up areas in the regions that happen to be stiff and lack motion on a general basis.

There are several ways of going about this.

And this is going to probably be the safest and easiest way to go about it.

The purpose of this is to transition us into having better movement.

These techniques are going to help us transition into that territory.


Glute MyoFascial Release Tutorial Transcript

I'm Naudi Aguilar functional patterns. And for today's video tutorial, I'm going to show you how to remedy tensions and your hips and in your lower back, all you're going to need for this tutorial will be a tennis ball or something similar, you're going to be very simple techniques, but they will actually be very effective in opening up areas in this region that happened to be typically real stiff. And and areas just lack motion on a general basis. Now there's several ways of going about this, this is going to be probably the safest and easiest way to go about it. The purpose of this is to transition us into having better movement on a general basis. And these two techniques are going to help us transition into that territory.

So let's get this thing started. The first technique that we're going to employ will have us utilizing this tennis ball to massage into the upper regions of our glute medius, and our glute Minimus. These are two reasons that generally tend to be very, very taut and dehydrated. Because when we sit down or if we, if we move, or even if we're just standing in space, when we do it in effectively, these spots begin to get very dehydrated and overly taxed. And within time, if you want the muscles to relax, you may need to utilize something like a tennis ball, kind of like an off switch to help release a spot like this. And then by doing that, and by getting the length in that region, you'll generally begin to get a little bit better movement out of these spots.

If you have a problem with your lower back or your hips, this is one of the places that I would go to to help you remedy that if you were actually working with me, in person. So what you're going to do to locate this release, first and foremost, is begin to kind of pinpoint the middle portion of your rib here with your thumb, then you'll just track down until you kind of get into your abdominal wall, you'll begin to track down a little bit lower until you feel your hip, then we're going to aim to do is kind of begin to aim to touch the tissues of your hip on the backside or the bony regions of your hip right here. And then what you'll do is begin to slide down until you feel nice pocket of tissue right here. And that's where you're going to be placing the tennis ball to institute this release effectively.

So when you'll do first and foremost, is kind of laid down, you can bring one foot on top of the other here, you'll kind of stack your shoulder directly over your elbow here to kind of like use this as your base of support. And then you're going to just take the tennis ball and just slide it directly underneath that spot. And so then what you'll do from there and incorporate very small movement, you want to make sure that your whole body weights over the top of the tennis ball, but then you're going to incorporate very small movements to kind of mobilize those tissues and begin the process of hydration in that gluteus medius territory.

Now again, there's there's never going to be a full remedy, utilizing a tool like this to actually solve your problems. But if you're a person who's like, in a situation where you're like, you know what I want to alleviate problems with my body, this is one of my go twos that I that I come back and use whenever somebody is having like a problem with their knee or problem with their hip or their lower back, very effective tool technique. It's not fancy, you don't see me doing a bunch of crazy movements or taking joints to ranges of motion. But if you do this correctly, and you get the right kind of sensation in the body, you're going to get a really good effect out of a release like this.

So the idea is, when you're doing a technique like this is that it should hurt, it should be painful, it shouldn't irritate should be some kind of kind of like a dull and achy sensation. And the idea is to kind of once you've got kind of that dole eight goes away, you're going to find another area and until you find a dull, achy sensation. Okay, so you'll repeat that, you'll do that for about two minutes, at a minimum, you'll switch sides, make sure you get both sides.

And that's about the length of which you you'll do this technique. After you get done doing that technique you'll then move into is doing a release of the tensor fascia Lata. Now right now we were focusing on more of the lateral portion of the hip, we're going to now begin to focus more on the anterior lateral portion of the hip. This is where there's TfL alized, almost like if you were going to reach into your pocket, and for your change your keys, this would be the region that you would be hitting with the with the with the tennis ball. Now this area is also very tall gets very tight and dehydrated from sitting at a desk from just standing on a general basis or just from moving dysfunctionally these areas get taxed greatly. And again, we're going to go right back to mobilizing this spot with that tennis ball.

The way that we will position ourselves here will just be we're going to extend out our body almost in a completely straight line. And then from there, we just put our body weight on top of the ball here. You guys can kind of see what that looks like there. Okay, so just aim to get at about a 45 degree angle on the front side of your hip. You can rest your head onto your arm and just let gravity kind of do the work there. Depending on what your anatomy is, like what your dysfunctions are, this may or may not hurt a lot for most people when I get them to do it the first time it's pretty uncomfortable when they pinpoint it correctly.

That's something to keep in mind. that a big part of what impedes movement is this dehydration in places in the body. And so essentially, a big part of learning the move better, which is ultimately going to be the remedy for your, for your stiffness is a big part of that remedy is going to be getting into spots like these, effectively releasing them creating the hydration and then at some point, through your movement journey, you'll incorporate activations of these tissues and activations of other parts of the body, that will then effectively get you to start get you to start using these muscles in the way that they're supposed to.

Right now, the reason that you're releasing them is because they're probably not working the way that they're supposed to, they're constantly, they're constantly dehydrated, they're constantly in a state of contraction, we got to pull them out of that constant state of contraction, let them relax, so we can get length. And once we get the length out of the tissues that will enable us to get more contraction later on down the line. Just think that you can't really contract the muscle if it's already too shortened. It's kind of counterintuitive, but the idea right now is that we want to take those muscles that have been overly contracted, contracted, create length, and then later on learn to educate those muscles to facilitate a contraction again.

Okay, those are two techniques that you can do you make sure you do both sides with them. If you guys are wondering, if you still feel a bit confused by what I'm talking about, I would advise checking out our 10 week online course, there's never gonna be a single technique or a single tool or a single remedy that's gonna kind of solve all the problems with your body's movement deficiencies. And what's important that on your end you consider is that at some level, you're going to have to look at things from a systems approach, look at the body as an entire system and train the body as a system.

So you can get the most effect out of out of this vessel that we navigate this world with for our entire lives. So if you want to make the most out of this journey in terms of getting better, I would highly advise getting on our 10 week online series. Anyway, this is naudi Aguilar at functional patterns, reminding you to live intentionally and not habitually. Take care.

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