Low Back and Hip Pain - Gluteus Medius Release

Low Back and Hip Pain - Gluteus Medius Release

Here's another technique you can use to help release tension on the lower back region.



Naudi Aguilar:
Hello, this is naudi Aguilar at functional patterns and welcome to yet another day of the 30 day myofascial release challenge. For this video, I'm going to be attacking the upper portion of the glute max and a B, the gluteus medius. For those of you that tend to have lateral excessive lateral pelvic shifts to one side or the other, this will be an inevitable point that you're going to have to hit. Sometimes, depending on who you are.

If you have a centered pelvis, you just may have an isometrically shortened gluteus medius. And that may be that may mean that you need to release both sides. If you tend to notice that your pelvis shifts to one side or the other, you might begin to notice that you might just need to release one gluteus medius. Either way, I want you guys to approach both both sides just to test them out and see what goes on with your body.

We're going to be using the lacrosse ball or you're going to use a wall and a lacrosse ball. I'm going to take the ball here on the upper portions of my butt cheeks. So if you really want to try and pin it down, using a look for the bony structure, you're going to look for the bony structures right here on the lateral part of your pelvis, track it all the way up to where you get almost to your spine, you're going to get about 45 about half waves at about a from your from the lateral part of your pelvis towards your spine, and you're gonna look halfway there, they're gonna drop your fingers, maybe about two inches down, and you just take the lacrosse ball and apply pressure there. So we're not getting on the lower back, we're getting just below the lower back.

If you want to look it up online in terms of the spot that you're trying to hit, look up the iliac crest. If you look over the iliac crest, if you look at the backside of the pelvis, you'll see where the kind of the groove comes in on the on the pelvis and you're going to be trying to get in there and break the tissues up on that groove of the pelvis.

You can move going back and forth in the fashion that I am right now, in many of you will have this muscle be really, really tight because your gluteus maximus is not firing very well from the post here. From the lower aspects of the gluteus maximus, those areas are not firing very well.

So because of that your glute medius tends to have to has to has to compensate for the lack of activity happening in these areas here. So if the glute max doesn't function, well, the gluteus medius has to then come in as a backup plan for the glute max not working.

And typically those of you that have those desk jobs who are sitting for extended periods of time, you're going to have that tightness right here with that glute medius can test both sides, try releasing both sides, odds are you're probably going to feel different things on each one of them. The one that tends to feel thicker and Penza hurt more is probably the one that you need to attack more. Anyway, there is yet another myofascial release. I will show you guys another one tomorrow.

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